Thursday, 24 October 2013

Imparlian Tales: The Passing of a King


(A Poem I wrote while off my face in Brighton one evening)

And so darkest dawn had risen on the land of Imparliar,
The King, who had ruled for seven decades,
Was ill with a disease that no doctor could identify,
No priest could pray for,
No mother could care for,
No man could cope with,
And no child could understand.

The King’s wives, children and subjects were summoned,
To the deathbed of their land’s Father,
Where they were each given a gift,
The gift of asking the King any question,
That he cannot lie to,
That he cannot ignore,
That he must answer or face eternity in the Imparlian Realms of Hades

They stood around their King,
As he laid frail and un-groomed,
Each person contemplating their question,
Some wanting to con the king,
Some wanting to gain his wisdom,
Some wanted to trick him in to revealing scandalous secrets,
But some only wished to remain silent and weep.

“Come” growled the King,
And his subjects submissively obeyed –
“You may each ask me any question,
But woes on to those who come like jackals,
Like thieves in the night,
Wanting to steal my name and reputation,
Only to slip away protected by the traditions of Gods”

“But verily, I say on to you who come with sorrow,
Those who come with an inquiry of Kingly wisdom,
And to those who come wishing me peaceful passing in to the Outer World,
You are those who have truly been blessed,
Like the Mother of our saviour,
Your generations to come will be clean,
Unharmed in the face of The Adversary”

“Now you may each come forth and present your inquiries,
Of whatever nature –
I grant you each a single question,
So pick wisely for it will be your last opportunity –
And unto ye who come with hate,
Make no mistake that your question holds no validity,
Unless it may be ‘how can I attain love?’”

A business man approached The King,
And asked “What is the true importance of money?
Have you not lived in a palace your entire life?
Have the children you speak so highly of not starved beyond the palace walls?
Has Imparliar not been stricken by disease and famine during your reign?
While your money has kept your belly full,
And your body healthy and strong!”

“Perhaps the greatest lie ever told,
Is that there is not enough for anyone.
This is venom!
Like the plague that rats carried through Imparliar,
Are the lies that people tell each other,
Guarding each other in a prison,
A prison with no bars, walls or security”

“Riches are like rags to the wise man!
He can gather as much as he wants,
Yet only wishes for what he needs.
He understands that money is not the root of all evil,
But it is The Adversary’s favourite accessory.
He knows that poverty is a lie,
Imposed by those who wish to keep wealth in its own shadow!”

“I would have rather lived as a poor man,
And have a better chance of reaching Nirvana,
Than to have lived as I have,
In blissful ignorance of my people’s poverty,
In arrogant delusions of the divine right to rule,
In clouded anger towards our neighbouring lands,
In ambitious greed of guarding my wealth”

And a nationalist stepped forward,
And posed the question “What of this ‘Mother Land’?
Is our place of origin not Imparliar?
Are we not the proud walkers of such a majestic land?
Where else could Imparlian’s have come from than Imparliar?
Are we now to believe that our heritage is to be shared with infidels?
Is this not against Ancient Imparlian scripture?”

“You believe what you are told by the churches?
Then you are perhaps stupider than I imagined!
Like the contraband in a prisoners cell,
Like the secrets of wizards and witches,
Like the darkest times of a man’s life,
Like the love of a man too afraid to love,
Has our history been hidden!”

“Yes, I say un to each of you,
That only half the story of the entire world has been told!
Look to the East!
Where life itself began,
Where the final chapter shall be written,
Where we all come from,
Regardless of skin colour, eye shape or where on a map you were born!”

And so, an old woman stepped forward first,
And set the King another question.
“My Lord, I have lived on Imparlian Soil,
For no less than fifty years.
I have met the greatest of gurus,
And wisest of Men, yet none can answer:
Who is God?”

And the King replied,

“You are all so naïve!
Must my dying moments be met with such ignorance?
Must you ask a question you have been born to understand?
You need not look further than your own eyes,
And you need not reach any further than your hand,
Because God remains within you,
And is you”

“Yet you seek The Most High in external reality,
One which is merely collectively perceived,
And therefore it is not the reality of God,
Only the plane to build The Most Highs temple,
Which is you,
For you create your own reality,
And therefore must assume the position of your own creator

“For what use is an entity that we have not met,
Conversed with,
Reasoned with,
Bonded with,
Cried with,
Laughed with,
And whose existence is therefore unimportant?

“Have you such low self esteem that you believe,
Even if you were shown compelling evidence to the contrary,
That you are not in control of your own life?
Must you always look to con men,
Like the gurus who charge you money for their wisdom,
Yet claim to be enlightened,
Woe unto you – you have sold your soul to The Adversary!”

And then stepped forth a man in his mid twenties,
And asked “What of Sexual Immorality?
Those of the Churches and Temples
Tell us how we should conduct ourselves sexually,
So what say The King Of Imparliar,
What punishment does he believe,
Is suitable?”
And The King, with a look of dismay,

“You people are all so immoral,
That it is not your sexual conducts that condemns you!
It is the way you debate, theorize and discuss,
A freedom that it fundamental to humanity.
Sexual freedom is the beginning of all freedoms.
Only through the fulfillment of one’s desires can one achieve enlightenment,
And those of sexual nature are some of the highest importance.

“If a man were to lay with another man,
As he would with a woman,
Why must he face the punishment of social denial?
From those who practice the same act,
Yet justify it because of what the texts of old men,
Men time should have forgotten,
Had said thousands of years ago?

“Is it so much of a crime to express love?
Is love not the beginning and end of our happiest moments,
The alpha and omega of our emotions,
The brightest hour of our days,
The warmest night of our summers –
Surely one should be congratulated for finding that of which we all seek,
Rather than condemned for their choice on who to love?

“But I must concur,
There is sexual immorality in the world.
It is not the act of Sodomy,
It is not the act of Adultery,
It is not the act of Polygamy,
Nor is it the act of Monogamy –
It is the act of lying with animals or those too young to bare children.

“Yes, those who lay with what cannot consent,
Are those who the truly sexually immoral.
They are the perverts,
The ones deserving of stoning -
However, we must not succumb to them,
For we must keep ourselves holy and pure,
By not spilling the blood of anything living regardless of their crimes”

“No, to kill the sexually immoral,
Although understandable,
Is still a sin
They must either be exiled,
Or locked away, given the choice of imprisonment,
Until death,
For they are too dangerous to allow near the children, who are our only hope”

And then one of the Kings sons came forth,
And asked, “What of intoxication?
Alcohol makes a fool of the wisest men,
The smoked crop makes the genius slow,
The Fungi of the fields turns the doctor mad,
The seeds of the Morning’s glory churns the stomach,
Is this not to be outlawed?”

The King, in retort said,

“Are you not intoxicated every day of your life?
Are you not intoxicated by the feelings of happiness?
Are you not intoxicated by the feelings of sorrow?
Much like these emotions,
Intoxicants can be perceived through our minds,
As negative or positive,
Yet they are still teachers of one’s own self”

“Though there are some who abuse intoxicants,
There will always be the majority,
Those who practice intoxication sensibly,
Those who practice intoxication to attain learning experiences,
Those who practice intoxication to share moments with friends,
Those who practice intoxication to celebrate good news,
And verily I say unto you, those people are those with the healthiest of minds”

“Has the Earth not given us food to eat,
Water to drink,
Shade to sit in,
Sunlight to grow our crops?
So why cannot it not give us the means of entertainment,
The means to experience the loss of our dreaded egos,
And the means to achieve our own enlightenment?”

“If you are to accept Mother Nature,
Then you must accept her in her full beauty,
And not reject the parts of her you believe to be impure.
How dare you!
We come from The Earth, and we are only her children!
She dictates us, we do not dictate her.
Even I, the King, am forced to bow at her magnificence”.

“Therefore, we must no longer destroy her crops,
Detest the morning dew she greets us with,
Spray her seeds with poison,
Imprison her children for using her medicine,
For she is the biggest supplier of intoxicants.
Will we place the entire Earth under arrest?
Or sentence her to exile or death?”

And then, One of the Kings wives stepped forward,
Asking, “What meaning does marriage have to us?
I have been one of your brides for two decades,
Yet the pleasures of a Queen are still far!
Marriage is of The Gods,
And I remained loyal to you because of my vows,
But can you share the same right,
To say you were loyal and loving as according to the vows you made?”

“As much as you want it to have –
Marriage does not mean love!
It is merely a vessel that attempts to restrain love!
Love is pure, marriage is tainted.
You hypocrites! You act high and mighty because you are married,
And your children are not bastard children,
Yet you commit the more serious crime of restricting and materializing love!”

“Shame on you!
Marriage means only to have a pompous ceremony,
Where you show off your bride,
Where you parade yourselves in expensive garments,
Where you get drunk in front of your parents,
Where you patronize each other with meaningless ‘vows’.
Love does not require, nor does it want these things”

And so, a maid who had worked at the palace for fourty years stepped forward,
And asked, “What is love, then?
Is love not to spend your life with another?
Is it not to be prepared to die for another?
Is it not to be spiritually dependent on another?
Is it not to be the crutch of another?
How can a adulterous man claim to know of love?”

Love is to be drunk without wine.
You can’t think clearly.
You can’t rationalize correctly.
You can’t think without considering your other.
You can’t comprehend a world without them.
Love is dangerous, yet beautiful and crucial for our souls”

“Where there is what we call love, there is reliance.
Where there is reliance, there is cowardice.
Where there is cowardice, there is selfishness.
Where there is selfishness, there is someone getting hurt.
Where there is someone getting hurt, there is sin.
Where there is sin, there is a crime against God.
Where there is a crime against God, there is a crime against you”

“A crime against you cannot be out of love.
Because you cannot love another unless you love yourself,
And if you love yourself,
You’ll realize that what we call love isn’t truly love.
What we call love is pitiful compliance to The Adversary.
What we call love is the ego,
Misguided by lust in attempt to fulfill the souls sexual desires”

“Love is to see ourselves in another,
To see our own divine beauty dwelling within them,
To acknowledge the connection with The Most High,
Which is our collective consciousness,
Which we are all a part of,
Manifesting itself simultaneously as ‘individuals’,
And when we express love it is this collective consciousness acknowledging itself in its purest form”

“That is love.
Love transcends its own etymology.
It is too powerful to be contained in a word,
So we confuse it with the worldly need of sex.
But, sex can be an expression of love.
It is, after all this collective consciousness urging itself to expand,
By having two of its simultaneous manifestations attempting to reproduce”.

“What do you have to say about evil, My Lord?”
Asked the palace Doctor.
“You talk of love as though it is definitive!
You claim love connects all peoples?
But what of The Adversary who disconnects us?
Is he not incapable of Love?
Is he not an agent of evil, that your ‘love’ cannot contain?

“Evil? That is the adversary.
The One who seeks to trick us and lead us astray.
The Adversary is not part of this collective consciousness.
The Adversary is external, and purely malevolent,
And we have philosophized for centuries,
Where it came from,
And Who it is”

“But that it is not important.
What is important is how we defeat it.
For too long have the children of Imparliar stood aside,
While The Adversary causes murder, rape, assault and theft in front of our eyes.
We are divine people,
And deserve to live as so.
The Adversary is within us, but he is not a part of us”

“He is like a cancer,
The excess of the universe,
What need not be there,
Yet insists on growing at a rate seemingly impossible to stop,
Threatening to kill us,
Scaring us,
Making us cower and close our eyes in forced ignorance”

“And the therapy for this cancer,
The only possible medicine,
Is taking responsibility of one’s own life.
If you allow the adversary in to your life,
Then you have allowed yourself to fail.
You have failed because you allowed interference
In becoming who or what you want to be”

“Life was created to be abundant,
We are meant to experience this reality like a child experiences a rocking horse,
Merely for pleasure,
Yet The Adversary wants to trick us,
And tell us that we are not in control,
And that life is supposed to be full of sorrow,
Hard and a heavy road with a meaningless end”

“To defeat the Adversary
You must know who you are.
Knowing who you are means that you will not commit evil,
Because you know that we are one consciousness,
And that to commit an act of evil against another
Is only to commit an act against yourself,
Which nobody would purposely do”.

And then a sherrif stood forward and asked,
“What of The Law, Your Majesty?
The Land is rampant with poverty!
The wails of children deafen the evening skies,
The cries of women shriek through the crevices of the streets,
The groans of the hungry vibrate the nights landscape.
Surely, Your Majesty the law must be reviewed?”

“All laws are made by men by their ego and greediness.
Except one law.
A law that knows not the concept of time,
A law that is impartial to right and wrong,
A law that governs the universe,
And a law that governs the collective consciousness.
That law is of Attraction”.

“The Law of Attraction means one thing.
To assume power and responsibility for one’s own life,
To take absolute control,
To ignore The Adversary,
To live your desires,
To break free of The Adversary’s chains,
The Law of Attraction means true life”

“The Law of Attraction,
Is to manifest the life you want,
It’s to accept the thought that we are in charge,
It’s to expect the expected,
It’s to prophesize with,
And use to fulfill prophecies.
The only law you need concern yourself with, is that of attraction”

And then a teacher of young children moved forward,
And said to the King, “And how must we teach our children?
The children are tomorrow’s parents,
Tomorrow’s politicians,
Tomorrow’s doctors,
Tomorrow’s tax men!
How must we break the chain of each generation delivering hardship for the next?”

“Woe to those who do not lead by example!
The Children will surely grow older,
And murder you on the doorsteps of your own homes!
You misguide the youth with your behaviours,
Yet you teach them to behave otherwise!
The blood of tomorrow’s world is on your hands”

“Children must be kept like a best man keeps his friend’s wedding ring.
They are to kept with care,
But they do not belong to you.
Though they are your children,
They are not your property.
They are property of the World,
And like a wedding ring you are to surrender them to their rightful owner when the time is right”

“So what must you teach your children,
You ask?
You must teach them of goodness,
Teach them of love,
Teach them of The Adversary,
Teach them of life.
Do not withhold anything from them – they will surely discover it anyway”

“You people!
You all want to lay the destructiveness of your generation on the youth!
But surely, the Youth of today will rise tomorrow,
And your crimes will be laid bare in front of you and thrown in your faces!
They will rise up against the law of their Fathers,
And a new day will dawn on Imparliar!
Yes, and not bullet or blade of any man will stop them!”

And so, A Politician put it to the King,
“And what would one make of The Revolution?
You talk of the Youth rising up,
Yet you are the King!
Is it not your duty to keep us politicians,
The Doctors; The Lawyers; Tax Collectors; Judges,
In charge of Imparliar’s in peace?”

The King snarled back,
Your version of peace is perverted!
Your version of peace is keeping the poor down,
And the rich up,
This is not peace, Peace is equality!
Peace is to man what the Stars are to the ocean,
A compliment to its beauty yet so far away”.

“Peace is harmonious with nature,
Like the soft sound of birds twittering is peace to the heart,
Like the gentle evening sea,
Like the spring bees buzzing,
Like the stroking wind caressing its way through the forest,
Is peace to the man,
As it is where the came from and where they are surely destined to return’

“You all talk of peace with such razor tounges,
Mixing it with your politics and trickery!
Surely this is work of The Adversary!
Such materialization of a natural beauty.
Peace is not to be sought for or achieved through hardship,
It is to be rediscovered through yourselves,
Where you will find the hardest of wars”.

“And may I be punished for my transgression as King!
I have forsaken my people!
Yes, in my ignorance I allowed such fiends,
Vampires, Devils and agents of The Adversary,
To rule my land with an iron fist,
While I diverted my attention,
To my worldly, meaningless riches!”

“When I talk of the revolution,
I am talking of a rebirth in government,
True democracy rising like a phoenix,
From the ashes left by the flames of revolutionaries,
Who will burn the established order to the ground,
With all those who once ruled inside,
Their screams like the birds of a new dawn welcoming the sunrise”

And then asked a child,
“What of growing up?
Will we long for the days of childhood,
When we are finished longing for the days of adulthood?
Will we be forced to watch our parents crush our future,
Only to do the same to our children?
Are we chained to this cycle before even having a chance to have lived?”

“I tell you with sincerity, my Son,
Your generation may be the last of our hopes.
The reasonability of Imparliar is thrust upon the youth,
But you must be the first of us to accept it.
For millennia’s we have avoided responsibility,
But you surely understand the responsibility of your own lives?”

“Take control of your own life,
If you wish to change the environment in which you dwell.
Like a mating call human emotion is to this collective reality,
Attracting people, scenarios, events and predicaments,
Depending on the tuning of the emotion.
Emotion is the instrument we use to create our reality,
So if we wish to change what is around us, we must change our tune!”

“Children, keep this knowledge like a pendant!
Close to your heart and always on show!
Then surely you will not be led astray,
And you will create a better world for you,
Your children and their descendents?
You are the Gods of this land,
And what you reap is what your land will sow”.

“What of those who look different to us Imparlian’s?”
Inquired a politician.
“Must we be forced to share our land with immigrants?
Must they have the same privileges an Imparlian would have,
Though they are not of our land,
And only here to be the vampire
Sucking our resources and opportunities?”

“Was Imparliar not built by the slaves that we stole,
Stole from the breast of Mother Earth,
Captured from the land in which time began,
And forced to work like the hounds of the snow,
Or the stallion of the highway?
Do we not owe these people our land for those transgressions?
Must the deeds of our ancestors’ go forgiven without repatriation?”

“Very truly I say unto you of misguided nationalism:
Our great land was built by the sweat of the foreigners’ brow,
And so it is there’s before it is ours!
The sea does not belong to the fisherman,
And the jungle does not belong to the Lion!
As it is, Imparliar does not belong to Imparlians’,
But to creation”

“We are merely residents,
Renting the land from Mother Earth,
Who could open her mouth and swallow us in to the abyss,
Who could vomit liquid lava un to the heads of our children,
Who could drown us in her stormy tsunami’s of tears,
Who could tear our houses from the ground with her breathe,
In a reminder that what we claim to rule is ruler only by her”

And so, the King grew weaker,
As each day passed in to forgotten memories,
But his last words to his public grew stronger,
In those who cared,
In those with no voices who dared to speak,
In those without ears sought to listen,
In the cripple who chose to walk,
And in the elders of Imparliar.

His words were not that of a preacher,
But that of a sinner,
A man who admitted his transgressions,
A man bitter by his own peace of mind,
A man confused with understanding,
A man depraved by his riches,
Yet a man understood by all men.

And on the day of the King’s death,
The sun rose,
Blazing on the winters horizon of Imparliar,
The trees were bare and shivering,
The wind was bitter and harsh,
Yet the sky was cloudless,
And the sun was at its brightest.

He was buried at dusk,
And every creature of the land attended his funeral;
The trees howled with the wind;
The birds sung solemnly with the moans of the cattle;
The men held their women as they wept;
The lions roared with the kicks of the zebra’s
And the stars cried as the moon glistened in their tears.

And written on the Kings tombstone was a poem,
One written by the people,
As it passed from bar to bar,
Pub to pub,
Person to person,
Ear to ear,
Taking its place as a folk psalm.

The Poem read:

Where there are riches, there is gluttony.
Where there is gluttony, there is self indulgence.
Where there is self indulgence there is neglect,
Where there is neglect, there is sin.
Where there is sin, there is the adversary.
Where there is the adversary, there is evil.
But where there is evil, there will always be goodness.
And where there is goodness, there is knowledge.
And where there is knowledge, there is wisdom.
And where there is wisdom, there is usually death.

One God.
And that God is ourselves.
We are one,
We are divine,
We are perfection,
We are love,
We are Omnipotent.

One Aim.
That aim is Love.
Love is freedom,
Love is expression,
Love is beauty untouched,
Love is humble,
Love is powerful.

One Destiny.
Our destiny is our choice.
Like going left or right,
Back or forwards,
Good or bad,
Insane or genius,
Destiny is a forked road that we must choose.